Barrier for Consumers to Switch to Green Cars
I really love this editorial on how consumers are leaning towards green cars but need some more incentives to go over the edge. More and more people are opting to embrace the green lifestyle in the face of the horrendous effects of climate change. Global market realities, principally high oil…
Alligator Powered Cars
Forget horsepower. Gator gas may be the next big thing to keep your motor running. Forget horse power! Looking for alternatives to using food crops, such as soybeans and corn, as raw materials for fuel, U.S. researchers have developed a way to extract oil from alligator fat and easily convert…
UK Expands Green Car Charging Stations
The expansion of the UK’s recharging infrastructure is being primarily funded through the Government’s Plugged-in Places scheme, and also by enlightened local authorities such as Milton Keynes and Oxford. Despite the ongoing budget cuts, the Office of Low Emission Vehicles has confirmed funding of £300 million for the installation of…
A Look at Carbon Emissions During Manufacturing of Electric Cars
Did someone try to pull the organic wool over our eyes? Electric vehicles, (EVs) produce more emissions than conventional cars in production, but still have far lower carbon footprints over their lifetimes, according to a new study that “dispels the myth” that low carbon cars transfer emissions from exhaust to…
Green Building in the USA
While the U.S. housing market remains in flux because of high employment and record foreclosures, KB Home, one of America’s premier home builders, has found success in building and marketing homes and properties that are green and environmentally-friendly. On May 17, KB Home unveiled the Primera Terra, the largest Leed…
Police Car Takes Very Wrong Turn
This cop car is probably going to be heading to the wrecking yard!
Google Joins with DOE in Green Map
Google might be a little too big with its mostly complete monopoly in online search but it appears they are trying to green up their image. Google and more than 80 other companies are collaborating with the Department of Energy to make it simple for drivers of electric vehicles to…
That Darn Itsy Bitsy Spider Says Mazda
Here is some really strange news about cars and spiders, yes the creepy crawly kind! A spider that likes the smell of gasoline so much it chooses to build its webs in car emission systems was behind the recall of thousands of Mazda cars in the United States this week….
Great Video from Nova on Green Car Manufacturing
Amazing work at Ford on producing green parts.